SEO Tips and expectations in 2014

SEO Tips and expectations in 2014
2013 has been an eventful year-old incredibly in terms of the updates made ​​by Google. 2013 saw major changes at all of Panda and Penguin, to a hummingbird, and most importantly to encrypt or hide the words research in Statistics.
By observing and reading and what I'm seeing every day in various locations and the problems faced by the owners of the sites, I present to you a series of proposals for webmasters or SEO professionals that it is possible to think about them in 2014 and work out a strategy effective long-term.

Everything I learned in 2013 will remain in place

It looked good in the objectives of the updates made ​​by Google in 2013 ( the fight against sites that use methods of plaque Hat SEO ( or fraud ) to occupy the first rank , as well as sites that do not provide useful content to visitors or content poor quality ) , I expect to see more of the same of these updates throughout in 2014 . Where amendments will continue on every minute of Panda and Penguin , which is still targeting both the quality and the quality of content and PAC -Link .
This is preferred to every website owner that is closely watching the links leading to the location ( PAC for Winsock ) , through periodic review to identify and remove the links that can not relate to the content of your site , which mainly harm him . At the same time continue to introduce high-quality content .

"Marketing" content will become more difficult than ever

Content marketing will move from Tagged strong movement to adopt a broader impact of new factors.
Here, webmasters must think of new strategies for content marketing, which is based on highlighting those features content that is possible in:

Useful content targeting your audience, (nothing new here means must continue to be), but it is important to avoid the use of semantic words strong or minimize them.
Sites social participation, which became the first competitor to Google's search results with a double for the user (and here you should not focus only on the Facebook sites are many and varied, such as Reddit, tumbler, stumble ..).
I know these words sound familiar? We turn to the following for more clarification.

Social media is playing an increasingly

The social media a major player in the digital marketing landscape over the past few years. Where we saw the rise of large networks such as Facebook and Twitter. In the past two years , and the visual content of networks such as Pinterest , Instagram , and various other small services that have swept the world of the Internet .
Today, because of the diversity quotient in the direction of the visitors, it is no longer enough to focus all efforts on a single network . In fact Osdermahd content marketing study recently that the most successful marketers of content are active in at least seven networks . On the website owners or users of SEO asking the following questions in the coming year :

Do you take the impact of social networks on our Seriously?
Do not allow the participation of our content ? Will we provide the means to facilitate that?
Are we too much activity on social networks that have the same concerns of our content ? (Publishing and participation ) .
Are we too much activity on the social networks of interest to our customers? ( Reply and attention to customers or targeted visitors ) .
Is the previous strategy ( interaction ) networks Alajtmaheh contributed to the achievement of our goals ?
Google updates are likely to increasingly rely on reaction rates within the social networks as a factor specified for the quality of the content and usefulness of the visitor.

Invest in Google+

Confirmed another study from the Institute of Moz that factors specific to rank in the search results is a service + Google Network where you play the role is increasingly important in SEO. The focus in on:
Create an account, "the author of the content" of your own, and link the contents published, which will play an important role in the SERPs.
Add +1 button: It is not clear exactly how much you need from Google +1 in order to contribute to the lifting of the order, but it's fair to say that a major factor in "social interaction" component of Google's algorithm. I expect to be added in the next year.
Hummingbird Hummingbird was aimed at users search on mobile phones

Become important at Google how your site's performance on mobile devices. Where you need to get a special design for the site prompt surfers who use mobile devices.
With the increase in terms of number of users of mobile Alajhh last year has become considerably more sophisticated search engine, with voice search feature that is becoming more widely used.

Content-term versus short-Content?

Which is better content or short term ? The answer depends on the author of the content that will be read , what he is talking about , do you have a considerable proportion of the readers , and how do you know that " the best ."
Of the questions above , you can see the form of the content that will help you improve or get a good ranking in 2014 ?
On the question which is better content or short -term , the answer would be " both."
Vocus site where cited a recent study showed that in the first 10 ranks in the search results for a certain phrase or tend to be contain more than 2,000 words in one article . The validity of this study were discussed and summarized it's fair to say that the length of the article is due to the depth of the idea or value to be Asalha .
On the other hand we have seen this year, another trend emerged where the so-called " minimal words in the article ," and other figures emerged here as the length of article 550 in the limits of the word and at most 1000.
Here, as mentioned above , and interest in the mobile phone has become increasingly : There is a high probability that the user is unable to read 2000 words on his phone or his computer tablet. Here shows the role of small articles , or summarized , it makes the visitor long to browse the site , whether on a computer or mobile.
And the new proposals appeared on the sites discussion calls for the establishment of the adoption of certain types of content targeting specific devices .

Guest Blogging is still one of the most effective tactics, with the caveat

Guest Post any word that the bloggers to give the chance for the guest to create content or exclusive article on their sites.

We have doubled the role of Guest Blogging in the last year, and I think it will remain one of the best effective ways to get visitors and more importantly, building quality links (PAC Linux). However, it is essential that you create high-quality content, with the use of the very strict standards when choosing sites that target (specialization, celebrity site ...).
The same thing applied to you as you are the owner site offers feature Guest Post, where the content that is typed Visitors must be of high quality (which is written in sound, has a considerable number of followers, new exclusive and distinctive).


I got the same updates that will continue in 2013 (Panda and Penguin), so you should apply the same standards puck Linux and quality content.
Every site owner follow periodic updates carried out by the search engines to make adjustments as necessary.
You must think about the long-term strategy and not to rush.
Attention of users who use mobile devices (phones Ouhaat).


I mean, content marketing is to bring targeted visitors.
I mean Elamat strong semantic such as: Free, Win, download, watch .. True has a rate acceptable but Google search has become dependent on the heart of the matter and not to those words.
Some of the ideas put forward by me briefly believing that it is known to the majority, who do not understand can ask queries.
Sources of information mentioned in the article: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
What do you expect from Google in 2014? Are you preparing for that?